About Us
We are a boutique specialist provider, we are a local Australian privately owned and operated business committed to supporting local people and local business. Our Managing Director has worked in the employment and disability sectors since 1990 and has extensive experience in return to work and personal coaching to achieve outstanding life outcomes for clients, having won awards across business management, innovation and services to the industry.

Beneficent was developed from a desire to ‘do good’ for people who have experienced discrimination because of an illness, injury or disability. Assisting people to restore life, career and dignity and be fully participative in mainstream employment is our ultimate goal. Having experienced discrimination myself, on multiple occasions I can relate to how negative the experience of building capability and entering employment can be. So, Beneficent’s service was developed to ensure a positive capability building experience, and connect people with employers that do not discriminate and who provide a positive employment experience for anyone with an injury/illness or disability.
We know that there are significant psychological and physical health benefits to being at work – and we aim to achieve an employment goal by architecting positive solutions for clients, so that the experience of improving capability for work and entering mainstream employment is a
positive one. In order for our service to be a positive experience, it is individualised and tailored to each person’s needs so they don’t feel that they are just one of a mass, Beneficent’s client centred approach ensures this is the case.
Beneficent embodies a best practice trauma informed approach, acknowledging that trauma has lasting and adverse effects on a person’s functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our do-no-harm values guide our services and include meeting client needs in a safe, collaborative, and compassionate manner; preventing practices that retraumatize and which see past a person’s behaviour, causing us to ask “what does our client need”, rather than “what is wrong with them”.
Beneficent values an “it pays to care” approach with all clients – acknowledging that psychosocial factors present profound barriers to working, and that by being honest, respectful, fair, compassionate and collaborative with clients will assist them to achieve their goals without psychological harm.
Each person that enters a service with Beneficent can be confident that they are individually being heard, their needs listened to, and a solution architected for them that is very specific to their needs.

Assisting Clients to resolve their psychosocial barriers will ultimately improve their quality of life and restore their life, career and dignity.

If you choose to work with Beneficent you are selecting a recovery partner that can provide you with positive life strategies for your recovery and return to work. We consider it a privilege to be trusted to assist you.
Choose Beneficent and you define your path to recovery
"A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe”
PIEF Conference 2023
Such a fantastic experience at the PIEF conference last week - great to hear about new innovations and the promotion of the "It Pays to Care" philosophy.
Thankyou to everyone that visited the Beneficent Booth - hope you are enjoying the "squishy" brains!! Hoping that there are many happy kids enjoying them, who received one from a parent who visited our booth.
It was great to get to talk to people from all over Australia who are developing a passion for the promotion of Investing in Kindness in the compensation process - and seeing the benefits for the person with the injury/illness and also the bottom line - makes everyone a winner!
It was a fantastic conference dinner with so many deserving winners - well done #piefconference2023! Can't wait for #pief2024!!
SISA Conference 2023
What a great day for Closing the Loop! Fantastic to see so many amazing set ups!
Disability, Aging and Lifestyle Expo 2023
The amazing #DAL expo in Adelaide! We spoke to so many about how we can help you build capacity and find and keep open employment
Kids & Youth Disability eXpo 2023
We were ready to go at the KydX Expo. So many amazing people attended. We love to talk to how we can help school leavers achieve their goal of developing a rewarding career!
Onkaparinga Disability Expo 2023
We had a great experience at the Onkaparinga Disability Expo (Noarlunga Recreation Centre). We are here to help people with injury, illness and disability to find a keep a job and are a registered NDIS provider. The Onkaparinga Disability Expo is held by Plan Partners to bring together local NDIS communities.
Destination Employment | March 2024
Many thanks to everyone that attended our inaugural networking event - "destination employment". We were blown away by the fantastic feedback - we met amazing people who all share the "giving" mentality, with a shared interest in helping people with a disability improve their quality of life, and achieve economic independence through finding paid work.
So pleased that everyone enjoyed the presentation on EI and its relationship to to improving the quality of life and employability for us all!
We are aiming to "reduce the disability employment gap" in 2024!
Destination Employment | May 2024
We had a robust discussion about the road ahead for assisting people with a disability to gain open paid employment at the beautiful Glenelg Golf Club. A wonderful group of people came together and we would like to thank everyone who attended and joined in.