Medical Expert Service
Services to assist to ascertain capacity and assess tasks in homes and workplaces.

Functional Capacity Evaluation
An FCE determines capacity over a range of demands and makes recommendations for specific duties. The FCE is standardised testing used to evaluate capacity for work related activities. It can be used for job matching and selection of suitable employment options

Worksite Assessment
A worksite assessment is completed to assess the physical and/or psychological demands of duties at a workplace to enable the identification of suitable duties and/or employment, ensuring that a safe and suitable return to work occurs.

Assessment of Daily Living
An ADL assesses a person's level of functioning in relation to personal care, household tasks, recreational and social activities, making appropriate recommendations for assistance in line with the referral request

Surgery Preparation
Assesses the anticipated level of functioning post proposed surgery and provides strategies to improve recovery. The service assists to reduce the adverse impact of the surgery and promotes early return to normal activity, it includes education on symptom reduction and determines whether equipment, services or treatments will assist post the proposed surgery

Job Dictionary
A service to analyse each job role within a selected area, with the aim of detailing the specific physical, behavioural and cognitive demands of that role. A full report detailing the above, with pictures and video is provided.

Occupational Suitability Assessment
The service identifies suitable employment options, given the person’s physical and psychological capacity, the nature and extent of their disability, age, level of education, skills, experience in employment and their ability to adapt to new employment.