School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
Practical assistance for school leavers to build capacity and achieve paid employment, ensuring they receive a personalised service to select their career goals and deal with the challenges of preparing for, and moving into a career. Participants are in control of selecting the services they need to move into paid employment, with the assistance of a Career Coach.
In line with NDIS SLES requirements we will ensure that participants possess:
The ability to communicate in social and workplace situations
Accounting and basic money management
Resume writing and interview skills
Strategies to find suitable job opportunities
Skills to work in a team
An understanding of workplace culture
Time management skills
Knowledge about employee Rights and Responsibilities
Please find below a detailed outline of our current services for NDIS participants that are either NDIA managed, plan managed or self-managed.
Whatever your age, we can help you find work or return to work in the open labour market. If you are aged 15-22 and transitioning to work, the School Leaver Employment Supports program is designed for you specifically, and can help you transition from school to work by building your capacity with behavioural supports and specific training targeted to assist to build workplace skills deficits.
​Beneficent’s SLES program has a multitude of different options participants can choose from to assist school leavers move into mainstream further education and/or employment such as:
Illuminate to build capacity for managing the anxiety around moving into employment
Blossom to build family capacity to assist with obtaining and sustaining employment
Job Hunter to develop all the necessary skills for job seeking and obtaining employment – including our Job Coach directly reverse marketing participants to employers​​​
Workplace Skills Training to develop some of the fundamentals required for successfully maintaining employment such as:
Time Management and Organisation
Maths Fundamentals for the workplace
Fundamentals of WHS in the workplace
Basic Manual Handling and Ergonomics
Emotional and Behavioural capacity building sessions to target any areas participants are struggling with in order to achieve and sustain paid employment such as:
Understanding and Conquering Stress
Improving Life Satisfaction and Achieving Career Goals
Take control of negative thinking to achieve life and career goals
Understand others to improve life satisfaction
Master Difficult conversations for fulfilling relationships in life and work
Achieving self-control to enhance problem solving in life and work
Who is this SLES program suitable for?
It is suitable to school leavers
Program Individualisation
The program will be tailored to meet individual needs.
Where is the SLES program delivered?
This program can be delivered at;
Mawson Lakes SA 5095
Edwardstown SA 5039
Munno Para SA 5115
Mt Gambier SA 5290
Murray Bridge SA 5253
Fleurieu, Yorke Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula, Clare Valley, Riverland
How is the SLES program delivered?
The program can be delivered as outlined below
Face to face in our offices
In the participants home (subject to suitability)
Via an online medium
Offered on an hourly basis, costed out as per the initial assessment, the program is tailored to meet individual needs. The Initial Assessment and report takes approximately 3 hours. Progress reports can be provided as per individualisation.
How much does the program cost?
SLES costs includes: 10 minutes of non face to face time for every hour of face to face time
We tailor the program across 12 months to fit your needs within your SLES budget